What Happens When A Tooth Goes Bad

Dental Care

Unfortunately, many people already know what it’s like to have a badly damaged or infected tooth. In some instances, the pain can be downright maddening. The good news is that there are many things that consumers can do to prevent excessive tooth decay and to heal and restore structures that look or feel as though they may be past the point of return. Following is everything you need to know about what happens when a tooth goes bad.

Creating The Wrong Internal Environment For Supporting Tooth Health

The most common cause of tooth pain is an infection and caries or cavities that these infections cause. If you are currently consuming a very acidic diet, your mouth conditions are probably ideal for supporting harmful germs and bacteria. A high-acid diet is generally rich in processed, refined and sugary foods. When you eat a lot of high-sugar foods or refined foods that readily convert into sugar, this creates an environment that bacteria thrive in.

To limit the acidity of your saliva and the mouth interior overall, try:

– Brushing your teeth with baking soda before bed as this instantly regulates mouth pH

– Stay hydrated as dehydration also creates conditions that allow bacteria to proliferate

– Limit your consumption of sugary foods and beverages

– Limit your consumption of refined flours and refined flour products by choosing whole, heart-healthy grains instead

– Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables

If you are eating high-quality foods that are served closest to their most natural state, your mouth will have a much lower likelihood of experiencing serious problems. In fact, a lot of natural foods like carrots, celery, apples, cucumbers and almonds have an intrinsic ability to help clean the teeth, even while you are still chewing them.

Infections That Affect The Health Of Your Entire Body

High-acid foods do more than simply support the growth of harmful microorganisms that tear down your teeth. These foods also eat away at the protective enamel that covers these structures. Once this enamel is breached, bacteria can get access to the porous tooth surface, the underlying dentin, and even the soft tissues.

Surprisingly, tooth infections can also affect the soft tissues in the mouth, the underlying bone structures and blood purity. If these problems are allowed to spiral out of control, they can enter the bloodstream and affect other organs and organ systems. This is one of the many reasons why regular flossing is associated with prolonged heart health. Thus, if you have a badly damaged or infected tooth, seeking quick medical attention can actually prolong your life and the life of your heart. Dealing with localized problems before these have the chance to become systemic can greatly limit their overall effects.

Restoration Solutions

Damaged and infected teeth also affect the integrity of the tooth structures around them. In most instances, a dentist will correct problems like these by performing root canal therapy. This involves a thorough cleaning of the affected area, the removal of the tooth pulp and the insertion of a bonding substance named gutta percha. After these measures are complete, the affected tooth or teeth can be covered with attractive and highly protective tooth crowns or caps.