Important Facts About Thyroid and Kidney Cancer

Health and Fitness

Cancers are becoming more and more prevalent day by day. It is good for us to know beforehand about several kinds of cancers to take precautions and protect ourselves from them. The number of thyroid cancer cases has escalated in recent years. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of our neck below the larynx. It secrets thyroxine needed for growth and regulating the body’s metabolism. Thyroid cancer develops in the cells of your thyroid gland.

The Kidneys are two bean-shaped glands, one at each side of your spine in the abdomen. Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer prevalent among adults. Wilm’s Tumor is the kind of cancer that develops in children.


Thyroid cancer does not lead to any symptoms in its early stages. However, as the cancer grows, it develops certain symptoms, which are:

(I) A lump in the neck region along with pain in both the neck and throat

(II) Pain while swallowing food

(III) Changes in the voice, usually becoming hoarse

(IV) Swollen lymph nodes of the neck

Just like thyroid cancer, kidney cancer symptoms appear in the later stages. Some commonly found symptoms are:

(I) Hematuria or blood in urine, which may be pink in color

(II) Loss of weight and appetite

(III) Tiredness along with back pain and fever


Factors that increase your chances of having thyroid cancer are:

(I) Exposure to radiation: If your neck or head has been introduced to radiation during certain radiation therapies, then the risk of thyroid cancer increases.

(II) Inherited genetic syndromes: If you have inherited specific genetic syndromes like multiple endocrine neoplasia or Cowden’s syndrome, then your chances of having thyroid cancer also increases.

(III) Female sex: Thyroid cancer is more common in women than men.

Risk factors of kidney cancer are:

(I) Old age and obesity: With age, the risk of kidney cancer increases, but apart from that, being obese also makes you prone to cancer. People with a healthy weight are less likely to have cancer.

(II) Hypertension or high blood pressure: High blood pressure also increases the risk of developing the cancer.

(III) Inherited syndromes: People born with certain syndromes are more susceptible to kidney cancers. Such syndromes are tuberous sclerosis complex, hereditary papillary renal cell carcinoma, or familial renal cancer.

(IV) Family history: Just like many other cancers, if kidney cancer runs in your family or close relatives had it, then the chances of you developing it increase.

(V) Male sex: Males are more likely to develop this cancer.


Treatment of kidney cancer can include surgeries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, where drugs and medications are used for treating certain kinds of kidney cancers. The most used and successful treatments are surgeries, medications like Lenvakst (Lenvatinib), and radiation therapy.

Lenvakst (Lenvatinib) can be consumed orally with or without food. The dosage depends on whether it is used for treating kidney or thyroid cancer. It is best to consult your doctor regarding the dosage. This medication’s side effects are difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, loss of weight and appetite, abdomen pain, tiredness, headache, and joint pain.