The Blind See As Diseased and Damaged Retinas Are Corrected

Eyes Vision

This Report is about a nameless blind mouse in the US, Judith, a blind lady in Canada, and two color blind men. The mouse sees, the men got color sight, and Judith has a driver license.

The mouse had some vision restored with prosthetic technology and Judith’s vision was restored with Smart Sugars and nutrition that supported metabolic functions necessary for retinal pigment epithelium.

Judith’s diagnosis was diabetic retinopathy in 1986. She had cataract surgery in both eyes, maximum laser surgeries, vitrectomy in both eyes, and was still blind. After 17 months of using Smart Sugars, she regained her eyesight and her retinas have not hemorrhaged since 1999. Today, her sight is 20/100 and 20/40.?Coming back from no sight to 20/100 after experiencing severe corneal breakdown, give Judith belief that her sight will get even better. In optimism, she traded her white cane for a white car and now travels even out of the country.

Blindness and visual impairment are caused by macular degeneration or retinal degeneration or retinal tear causing the light to be blocked or the signals to the brain to malfunction. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in adults with an estimated twelve million people.

Retina is the part of the eye that converts light into electrical impulses to the brain. At the back of the retina is a light-sensitive tissue that contains photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) and neurons that are connected to a neural network for processing the visual images. The macula is the center part of the retina. There is no known cure for retinal or macular degeneration diseases.

The rods function in low illumination and the cones are responsible for color vision and visual tasks like reading. The rods are mainly located in the peripheral area of the retina while the cones are mainly located in the macula.

I have also documented two men who were color blind, Harvey and Shawn. Both men began seeing color because of super food nutritional support including Smart Sugars. Shawn stopped eating the Smart Sugars and his vision returned to black and white. He will be experimenting again to see if he has the color return. I see no logical reason why the sugar Trehalose will help, but we are starting him on that sugar first.

The blind mouse research was published in the August 13, 2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The scientists claim to have cracked the code that the retina uses to communicate with the brain.

The prosthetic retinal implant in the US mouse was accomplished by electrically stimulating cells in the back of the eye enabling signals to be transmitted as visual information to the brain. Blindness had resulted from damaged photoreceptor cells while the ganglion cells remained intact so the neurons could transmit signals to the brain.

The study’s lead author, Sheila Nirenberg, a neuroscientist at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York said, “What this shows is that we have the essential ingredients to make a very effective prosthetic.” Researchers have not yet tested the prosthetic on humans but have assembled the code for monkeys.

My hypotheses: The cause for vision returning to Judith and black and white vision becoming color vision for Harvey and Shawn, was human stem cell proliferation and nutritional support necessary for metabolic functions for vision.

We have previously documented stem cell proliferation in the human body stimulated by oral consumption of certain plant polysaccharides (Smart Sugars).

I never met the mouse in this Report, but I personally know Judith, Harvey, and Shawn and have interviewed them and documented the evidence. Like many who consume certain plant sugars, to Judith, Harvey, and Shawn, the results are evidence based.