
Losing Those Pandemic Pounds

This is really embarrassing. But I’m sure I’m not alone. I somehow got the guts to get on the scales last month and discovered that I had gained 23 pounds during the pandemic. Is this what they mean by middle-aged spread? I felt like a slug. Deep sigh. It was like that humorous poem, “When […]

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How to Shed Weight Fast

Being able to shed weight fast helps to keep the weight loss spirits up, and encourages the dieters to continue with the program. However, care should be taken that the weight is shed in a healthy manner to avoid getting sick. Here are some of the healthiest and safest ways to shed weight fast. A […]

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Use of Whey Protein

Use of whey protein in today’s body building world is very popular. We live faster lives and do not have as much time so the use of whey protein is extremely convenient and very effective for muscle growth. First I want to explain what protein actually is and what it does. The building blocks of […]

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